
Has your doctor advised you to change your diet or eat differently? Do you want to lose weight? Or do you simply have questions about what is the best diet for you? Then I can provide professional help and support.

I am James Doering
Dietician + nutritionist

Has your doctor advised you to change your diet or eat differently? Do you want to lose weight? Or do you simply have questions about what is the best diet for you? Then I can provide professional help and support.

I am James Doering
Dietician + nutritionist

+32 (0)465 09 50 10

You can visit me for a personal consultation at the GP practice De Mier in Grimbergen or we can meet online for an e-consult, in a privacy-protected online platform.

+32 (0)465 09 50 10

You can visit me for a personal consultation at the GP practice De Mier in Grimbergen or we can meet online for an e-consult, in a privacy-protected online platform.

+32 (0)465 09 50 10

You can visit me for a personal consultation at the GP practice De Mier in Grimbergen or we can meet online for an e-consult, in a privacy-protected online platform.

dietician with extensive experience

As a dietician with extensive experience in university hospitals and in primary care, I can give you the professional dietetic support and advice which everyone has the right to. I am committed to helping you achieve your goals!

It was a natural choice for me to become a dietician in England and later to work as a chef in the Netherlands. I worked for five years in university hospitals and primary care clinics in Oxford. Later I worked as a chef in several restaurants and led cooking workshops for type 2 diabetes patients.

I have always had a fascination for food - for cooking and for the role food plays in our lives and in our health. Nutrition and lifestyle play such an important role in our health and the management of various diseases. It is my passion to use food to improve the quality of people’s health and lives.

I keep up to date and am committed to continuous professional development.

Het was voor mij een natuurlijke keuze om diëtist te worden in Engeland en later in Nederland als kok te werken. Ik heb vijf jaar in universitaire ziekenhuizen en eerstelijns klinieken in Oxford gewerkt. Later werkte ik als kok in diverse restaurants en leidde ik kookworkshops voor type 2 diabetes patiënten.


nutritional specialist in illness, disease and health

nutritional specialist in illness, disease and health

nutritional specialist in illness, disease and health

nutritional specialist in illness, disease and health

A dietician is a specialist in the field of nutrition and it’s application in different illnesses as well as in general health. In the intake interview we discuss your personal situation, needs, preferences and medical complaints in detail.

I then tailor my advice to you as an individual. And I guide you to a different, healthier diet.

How can I help you?
A dietician not only has medical knowledge but also knows a lot about food.

I help patients and clients with the following diseases and disorders:

Overweight and obesity

Type 2 diabetes

Increased risk of type 2 diabetes (’Pre-diabetes’)

Cardiovascular diseases

High blood pressure

High cholesterol

Gastrointestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Coeliacs disease and lactose intolerance

Underweight and malnutrition

How can I help you?
A dietician not only has medical knowledge but also knows a lot about food.

I help patients and clients with the following diseases and disorders:

Overgewicht en obesitas

Diabetes type 2

Verhoogd risico op diabetes type 2 (’Pre-diabetes’)

Hart- en cardiovasculaire ziektes

Hoge bloeddruk

Hoge cholesterol

Maag- en darmaandoeningen zoals Prikkelbare Darm Syndroom, coeliakie en lactose intolerantie

Ondergewicht en ondervoeding

I can also help you with the following needs:

Healthy balanced dietary advice for when you are planning to have a baby or during your pregnancy

Healthy balanced nutrition for better physical and mental health

services + rates

As of 1 January 2024, my rates have been adjusted as follows:

Basic package
€ 180 (value € 190)

Intake consultation
€ 70

30 minutes consultation
€ 35

20 minutes consultation 
€ 25

As of 1 January 2024, my rates have been adjusted as follows:

Basic package
€ 180 (value € 190)

Intake consultation
€ 70

30 minutes consultation
€ 35

20 minutes consultation
€ 25


Personal information, lifestyle, diet and medical history

Discuss personal goals

Motivational interview

Personal dietary advice

After the intake I will start working on your personal, tailor-made dietary advice.


Personal information, lifestyle, diet and medical history

Discuss personal goals

Motivational interview

Personal dietary advice

After the intake I will start working on your personal, tailor-made dietary advice.

First consultation
After 1 week

Together we will discuss your personal nutritional advice.

Questions and answers

You will receive your own personalized eating plan

Second consultation
After 2 weeks

Questions and answers

Review of any changes in your medical situation

Discuss problems and review results

Adjustment of nutritional advice for an optimal result.

Short follow-up consultations

Review progress

Questions and answers

Support for long-term behavioural change.


Follow-up in the long term
Behavioural change

Changing your diet requires a change in your behaviour in the long term. Many people benefit from regular contact to achieve this. I can provide you with the necessary support.

For example, I can see you after the Basic Personalized Nutrition Package every two months over a period of one year. This is, of course, the frequency is tailored to meet your needs and situation.


Depending on the mutual health insurance fund of which you are a member, a reimbursement is provided for a dietician. To make sure you are eligible, contact your health insurance fund or insurance company.


James Doering
Dietician + nutritionist

+32 (0)465 09 50 10

James Doering
Dietician + nutritionist

+32 (0)465 09 50 10

James Doering
Dietician + nutritionist

+32 (0)465 09 50 10

James Doering
Dietician + nutritionist

+32 (0)465 09 50 10

James Doering
Dietician + nutritionist

+32 (0)465 09 50 10


You can visit me for a personal consultation at the GP practice De Mier in Grimbergen.

GP practice De Mier
Veldkantstraat 54,
1850 Grimbergen


Or we can meet online for an e-consult, in a privacy-protected online platform.


Ik kan u ook online behandelen via een e-consult (Nutriportal: een privacy-beveiligde omgeving).

© James Doering, 2020

© James Doering

© James Doering, 2020

© James Doering, 2020

Webdesign  UNA designers

Webdesign  UNA designers

UNA designers

Webdesign  UNA designers

Webdesign  UNA designers

Technical realization  Studio Volt

Technical realization  Studio Volt

Technical realization
Studio Volt

Technical realization  Studio Volt

Technical realization  Studio Volt


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